- Marble
Quarry Location: Alberobello, Valle d'Itria, Apulia
Recommended Usage: Kitchen and bathroom countertops, monuments, building stone, ornamental stone, stairs, interior, exterior wall and floor applications, mosaic, waterjet pattern, wall panels, table tops, window sills, balustrades, columns, wall and pool copings, pool pavers, sculptures, fireplaces, pavers
Finishing Surface: Polished, Bush Hammered, Tumbled, Brushed, Honed, Split, Machine Cut, Natural Surface, Sandblasted, Combed, Leathered, Water Jet, Filled, Chiseled, Pickling
Additional Names: Alboris Grey Marble, Alboris Dolomia Marble, Apulia Brown Marble, d'Itria Brown Marble, Marmo Marrone d'Itria, Marrone d'Itria Marmo, Alboris Marble
Alboris Marble is an elegant marble quarried in Valle d'Itria, Apulia, characterized by a mocha brown to earthy gray background with white dolomitic streaks and light brown and gray shades. Renowned for its extraordinary dolomitic composition, this marble boasts unique strength and luster.
Texture and Pattern:
Background Color: Mocha brown to earthy gray.
Veining: White dolomitic streaks with light brown and gray shades.
Pattern: Rich texture with distinctive veins, giving it a sophisticated appearance.
Alboris Marble is versatile and ideal for various applications, including:
Alboris Marble's extraordinary dolomitic composition and elegant appearance make it a sought-after material for both residential and commercial projects, providing a timeless and luxurious aesthetic.