Altman Beige Marble

Beige - Marble

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Quarry Location: Isparta

Recommended Usage: Kitchen and bathroom countertops, monuments, building stone, ornamental stone, stairs, interior, exterior wall and floor applications, mosaic, waterjet pattern, wall panels, table tops, window sills, balustrades, columns, wall and pool copings, pool pavers, sculptures, fireplaces, pavers

Finishing Surface: Polished, Bush Hammered, Tumbled, Brushed, Honed, Split, Machine Cut, Natural Surface, Sandblasted, Acid Washing, Combed, Leathered, Water Jet, Filled, Chiseled, Pickling

Additional Names: Ottoman Beige Marble, Ultraman Beige Marble, Altman Cream Marble, Isparta Beige Marble(in China market called: 奥特曼米黄 - ào tè màn mǐhuáng), Altman Beige Marble


Altman Beige Marble is a natural stone quarried in Egirdir town, Isparta province of Turkey. It is characterized by a predominantly beige or light tan background color, which may vary in intensity and veining. The marble often exhibits subtle variations in tone, giving it depth and character.

In terms of texture, Altman Beige Marble typically has a fine to medium grain, with a smooth and polished surface. The veining patterns vary from delicate and wispy to bolder and more pronounced, contributing to its visual appeal.

This marble is highly versatile and can be used for various applications, including flooring, wall cladding, countertops, and decorative elements. Its neutral color palette makes it suitable for both traditional and contemporary design styles.

Maintenance of Altman Beige Marble involves regular cleaning with a mild detergent and water to preserve its natural beauty. Sealing the surface can help protect it from staining and etching caused by acidic substances.

Overall, Altman Beige Marble is a timeless and elegant choice for interior and exterior design projects, offering versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal.

Is Altman Beige Marble good for swimming pool coping?
Altman Beige Marble is a natural stone that can be used for various applications, including swimming pool coping. It is known for its durability, strength, and natural beauty, making it a popular choice for pool coping. The beige color of the marble can complement various pool designs and add an elegant touch to the overall pool area. However, it is always recommended to consult with a professional or a pool specialist to ensure that the specific marble type is suitable for your pools requirements and conditions.
Can Turkey's Altman Beige Marble be used exterior applications in cold climates?
Turkeys Altman Beige Marble can be used in exterior applications in cold climates, but there are a few factors to consider. First, it is important to ensure that the marble is properly sealed to protect it from harsh weather conditions such as freezing temperatures, moisture, and snow. Second, the marble should be thick enough to withstand temperature changes and potential frost heaving. Thicker marble slabs with a higher density are generally more suitable for exterior use in cold climates. Additionally, it is advisable to consult with a professional stone supplier or architect who can provide specific guidance based on your projects requirements and the local climate conditions.
Why not to use Altman Beige Marble for kitchen countertops?
There are several reasons why Altman Beige Marble may not be an ideal choice for kitchen countertops: 1. Porosity: Marble is a porous stone, which means it has small openings that can absorb liquids and stains. This makes it susceptible to discoloration and damage from everyday kitchen spills such as wine, coffee, or acidic substances. 2. Etching: Marble is a relatively soft stone and is prone to etching, which refers to the dulling or loss of shine on the surface caused by the acidic content of certain foods and cleaning products. This can leave permanent marks on the countertop, making it more difficult to maintain its original appearance. 3. Scratching: Marble is also prone to scratching or chipping from sharp objects or heavy impacts. Kitchen countertops experience a lot of daily use, including cutting, chopping, and placing heavy objects, which increases the likelihood of accidental damage to the marble surface. 4. High maintenance: Marble requires regular sealing to protect its porous surface from staining. It also needs to be cleaned with non-abrasive, pH-neutral cleansers to avoid etching. Maintaining a marble countertop can be time-consuming and requires careful attention to prevent damage. 5. Cost: Altman Beige Marble is a natural stone and tends to be more expensive than other countertop materials like quartz or granite. Considering the required maintenance and potential for damage, it may not provide the best value for money in a kitchen setting. While the natural beauty of Altman Beige Marble can create an elegant and sophisticated look, its susceptibility to stains, etching, and scratching makes it a less practical choice for kitchen countertops.
Can Altman Beige Marble be used in a swimming pool?
Altman Beige Marble can be used in a swimming pool, but it is important to note that marble is a porous material and is not typically recommended for use in swimming pools due to its susceptibility to staining, etching, and discoloration from pool chemicals and constant exposure to water. Additionally, marble can be more prone to cracking or chipping with prolonged exposure to water and freeze-thaw cycles. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with an experienced pool specialist or professional to assess the suitability of Altman Beige Marble for swimming pool use and to explore alternative options that are specifically designed for pool environments, such as porcelain or glass mosaic tiles.
What is the coefficient of friction of Water Jet Cut Turkey's Altman Beige Marble tiles?
It is not possible to determine the coefficient of friction of a specific type of marble tiles without specific information or testing. The coefficient of friction can vary depending on various factors such as the surface finish, texture, and any additional treatment or coatings applied to the tiles. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer or supplier of the marble tiles for accurate information regarding the coefficient of friction.
Is polished Altman Beige Marble slippery around a pool deck?
Polished Altman Beige Marble is generally considered to be slippery, especially when it is wet. This characteristic makes it potentially unsafe for a pool deck where there may be water splashes or wet surfaces. It is recommended to choose a type of marble or other stone with a textured or anti-slip finish for safety purposes.
Does Altman Beige Marble go with subway tile?
Yes, Altman Beige Marble can go well with subway tile. The neutral tones of the marble complement the clean and timeless look of subway tile, creating a classic and elegant aesthetic.
Is travertine better than Altman Beige Marble around pools?
Both travertine and Altman Beige Marble are popular choices for pool surrounds due to their natural beauty and durability. However, the better option depends on personal preference and specific factors such as maintenance, cost, and the look you are trying to achieve. Travertine: - Pros: Travertine is known for its slip-resistant surface, making it a safe option for pool areas. It is also relatively cooler underfoot compared to other materials like concrete or marble. Travertine comes in various warm earthy tones, providing a natural and timeless look. It is easy to install and maintain, and can resist moisture, chlorine, and sun exposure well. - Cons: Travertine can be more expensive than other options, depending on the grade and finishes chosen. It may require regular sealing to prevent staining and fading. Altman Beige Marble: - Pros: Altman Beige Marble is an elegant and luxurious option for pool surrounds. It offers a polished and sophisticated appearance, elevating the aesthetic of your pool area. Marble is known for its durability and can withstand weather conditions and pool chemicals. - Cons: Marble can be more costly than travertine. It is also more porous compared to travertine, which means it may require more maintenance, sealing, and cleaning to prevent staining and etching from pool water and chemicals. Ultimately, both travertine and Altman Beige Marble can be excellent choices for pool surrounds. It is recommended to consider your budget, desired look, and maintenance requirements before making a decision. Additionally, consulting with a professional or a stone specialist can provide more insights specific to your needs and preferences.
Which is better for kitchen Altman Beige Marble or quartz?
It ultimately depends on personal preference and specific needs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing between Altman Beige Marble and quartz for your kitchen: 1. Appearance: Altman Beige Marble has a unique and natural veining pattern that creates a luxurious and elegant look. Quartz, on the other hand, is available in a wide range of colors and patterns, including designs that mimic the look of natural stone like marble. 2. Durability: Marble is a natural stone that is softer and more prone to scratching, staining, and etching compared to quartz. Quartz is an engineered stone made of 90-95% natural quartz mixed with resin and pigments for added strength. It is highly resistant to stains, scratches, and heat. 3. Maintenance: Marble countertops require regular sealing to protect against stains and etching caused by acidic substances. Quartz countertops are non-porous and do not require sealing. They are easier to maintain and can be cleaned with mild soap and water. 4. Cost: Altman Beige Marble is generally more expensive compared to quartz as it is a natural stone that needs to be sourced and shipped. Quartz is more affordable, especially for popular designs and colors. 5. Lifestyle and Use: If you have a busy kitchen or use highly acidic or abrasive substances frequently, quartz may be a better choice due to its durability. However, if you prefer the unique natural beauty of marble and are willing to invest in regular maintenance, it can be a stunning addition to your kitchen. Ultimately, it is recommended to visit showrooms and view samples of both materials to get a better idea of their appearance and choose the one that best matches your taste and lifestyle.
What is the standard thickness of Altman Beige Marble window sill?
The standard thickness of Altman Beige Marble window sill can vary, but it is typically around 2 centimeters or 3/4 inches. However, it is always recommended to check with the manufacturer or supplier for the specific standard thickness of the product.
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