Arenisca Luna

Beige - Sandstone

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Item Details

Quarry Location: Burgos

Water Absorption: 5.6 %

Density: 2250 kg/m³

Flexural Strength: 5.8 MPa

Compressive Strength: 56.0 MPa

Recommended Usage: Interior, Exterior, Construction stone, ornamental stone

Additional Names: Luna, Beig Desert Sandstone, Arenisca Luna

DESCRIPCIóN PETROGRáFICA (UNE-EN 12407:2007) Arenisca de tonalidad gris claro y homogéneo. Tama?o de grano fino. Se clasifica como sedarenita.
PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION (UNE-EN 12407:2007) Homogeneous light grey tone. Fine grain. Sandstone (sedarenite).
Densidad aparente (UNE-EN 1936:2007) 2250 kg/m3 Apparent density
Porosidad abierta (UNE-EN 1936:2007) 12,1 % Open porosity
Resistencia a la flexión (UNE-EN 12372:2007) 5,8 MPa Flexural strenght
Resistencia a la compresión (UNE-EN 1926:2007) 56 MPa Compressive strenght
Absorción de agua a presión atmosférica (UNE-EN 13755:2008) 5,6 % Water absorption at atmospheric pressure
Resistencia a la abrasión (UNE-EN 1341:2002) 24,0 mm Abrasion resistance
Heladicidad: Resistencia a la flexión tras 12 ciclos (UNE-EN 12371:2011) 5,7 MPa Frost resistance: Flexural strenght after 12 cycles
Heladicidad: Resistencia a la flexión tras 48 ciclos (UNE-EN 12371:2011) 5,5 MPa Frost resistence: Flexural strenght after 48 cycles
Resistencia al choque térmico. Variación de masa (UNE-EN 14066:2003) -0,05 % Thermal sock resistence. Mass variation
Carga de rotura para anclajes. Ensayo tecnológico (UNE-EN 13364:2002) 800 N Breaking load at a dowel hole. Thecnological test. Thickness
Espesor muestra: 3 cm Carga de rotura para anclajes. Ensayo Identificación (UNE-EN 13364:2002) 800 N Breaking load at a dowel hole. Identification test
Resistencia al deslizamiento En seco/ En húmedo (UNE-EN 14231:2004) 76 / 70 USRV Slip resistance Dry test / Wet test
Capilaridad (UNE-EN 1925:1999) 141 g/m2·s0,5 Water absorption
*Los valores mostrados en esta ficha técnica son valores medios de los informes de ensayos real
Can Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone be used exterior applications in cold climates?
The Arenisca Luna Sandstone from Spain can be used in exterior applications in cold climates, but it is important to consider a few factors. 1. Frost resistance: Sandstone is generally considered to be frost-resistant, but each specific type of sandstone may have different properties. It is recommended to check the frost resistance rating of the Arenisca Luna Sandstone before using it in cold climates. 2. Porosity: Sandstone is porous, which means it can absorb water. In cold climates, if the sandstone absorbs water and then freezes, it can lead to cracking and deterioration. To prevent this, it is important to seal the sandstone properly and maintain it regularly to prevent water from penetrating the stone. 3. Type of installation: The installation method and design of the sandstone can also affect its performance in cold climates. Proper drainage and installation techniques can help minimize the risk of water penetration and damage. It is always advisable to consult with a professional architect or contractor who has experience working with sandstone and understands the specific requirements of your climate to ensure the best results for exterior applications in cold climates.
Can Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone be used in a bathroom?
Yes, Spains Arenisca Luna sandstone can be used in a bathroom. Sandstone is a durable and versatile material that is commonly used for flooring, walls, and countertops in various applications, including bathrooms. However, it is important to properly seal and maintain the sandstone to protect it from water damage and staining. Additionally, sandstone can be more porous compared to other stone materials, so it may require more frequent sealing in a moisture-rich environment like a bathroom. It is recommended to consult with a professional installer or supplier for specific guidance on using sandstone in a bathroom.
What grade is Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone?
Spains Arenisca Luna Sandstone is typically classified as a commercial grade stone.
Can Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone be used in landscaping?
Yes, Spains Arenisca Luna Sandstone can be used in landscaping. Sandstone is a popular choice for landscaping due to its durability, natural beauty, and versatility. It can be used for various purposes such as paving, retaining walls, garden pathways, decorative features, and more. The unique colors and textures of Arenisca Luna Sandstone can add a distinct aesthetic appeal to any landscape design. Additionally, sandstone is generally low-maintenance and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making it a suitable choice for outdoor applications. However, it is always recommended to consult with a professional landscaper or supplier to ensure that the specific type of sandstone is suitable for the intended use.
What is the coefficient of friction of Leathered Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone tiles?
The coefficient of friction for a specific type of sandstone tile, such as Leathered Spains Arenisca Luna Sandstone, can vary depending on various factors. These factors include the surface finish (e.g., polished, honed, leathered), the specific type and composition of the sandstone, and the testing methods used to determine the coefficient of friction. To find the coefficient of friction for Leathered Spains Arenisca Luna Sandstone tiles, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer or supplier of the tiles. They should have information or specific testing data available to provide the coefficient of friction value for their product.
Is Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone an expensive stone?
I do not have access to current pricing or market data. However, generally, the cost of a natural stone like Arenisca Luna sandstone can vary depending on factors such as its availability, location, quality, size, and finish. It is best to check with local stone suppliers or stonemasons for more accurate pricing information.
How thick is Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone slabs?
The thickness of Spains Arenisca Luna Sandstone slabs can vary depending on the specific requirement of the project or supplier. However, typical thickness options for sandstone slabs range from 20mm (0.79 inches) to 30mm (1.18 inches).
Are there color variations of Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone?
Yes, there are color variations of Spains Arenisca Luna sandstone. The natural color range of this sandstone includes shades of beige, cream, grey, and brown. Within these shades, you might find variations in tone and intensity, giving different visual effects to the stone. Some pieces of Arenisca Luna may have more pronounced veining or fossil patterns, adding further diversity to its appearance. The colors and patterns can vary depending on the specific quarry and the layer from which the stone is extracted.
Can Spain's Arenisca Luna Sandstone be used outdoors?
Yes, Spains Arenisca Luna sandstone can be used outdoors. Sandstone is a popular choice for outdoor applications such as paving, cladding, walling, and landscaping due to its durability and natural beauty. However, it is important to consider the specific characteristics of the Arenisca Luna sandstone, such as its color, texture, and porosity, to assess its suitability for different outdoor conditions and purposes. Additionally, proper installation, sealing, and maintenance techniques should be followed to ensure its long-term performance and appearance in outdoor environments.