Armani Beige Marble

Beige - Marble

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Item Details

Quarry Location: Eğirdir, Isparta

Density: 2690 kg/m3

Compressive Strength: 146.4 MPa

Recommended Usage: Countertops, mosaic, exterior - interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool and wall capping

Finishing Surface: Polished, Bush Hammered, Tumbled, Brushed, Honed, Split, Machine Cut, Natural Surface, Sandblasted, Acid Washing, Combed, Leathered, Water Jet, Filled, Chiseled, Pickling

Additional Names: Armani Beige, Adalya Armani Marble, Amani Beige, Aman Beige, Armani Beige Marble, in China stone market:阿玛尼(āmǎní), Armani Beige, Armani Beige Marble

Armani Beige Marble is a kind of dark beige marble quarried in Turkey. This stone is especially good for Countertops, mosaic, exterior - interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool and wall capping and other design projects. It also called Armani Beige,Adalya Armani Marble, Amani Beige, Aman Beige, Armani Beige Marble, in China stone market:阿玛尼(āmǎní),Armani Beige. Armani Beige Marble can be processed into Polished,Bush Hammered,Tumbled,Brushed,Honed,Split,Machine Cut,Natural Surface,Sandblasted,Acid Washing,Combed,Leathered,Water Jet,Filled,Chiseled,Pickling and so on.
Are there color variations of Turkey's Armani Beige Marble?
I do not have access to the most up-to-date information. However, according to some sources, Turkeys Armani Beige Marble has some color variations that range from light beige to light brown with some dark veins. This may vary depending on the quarry location and other factors such as environmental conditions during formation.
What is the coefficient of friction of Water Jet Cut Turkey's Armani Beige Marble tiles?
The coefficient of friction of Water Jet Cut Turkeys Armani Beige Marble tiles can vary depending on various factors such as the surface finish, texture, and polishing. It is recommended to contact the manufacturer or supplier of the specific tiles to obtain accurate information about the coefficient of friction for their product.
Can Turkey's Armani Beige Marble be used in landscaping?
Yes, Turkeys Armani Beige Marble can be used in landscaping. This type of marble is known for its elegant and creamy beige color, making it a popular choice for various landscaping projects. It can be used for pathways, patios, outdoor fireplaces, retaining walls, and other decorative elements in outdoor spaces. However, its important to consider the specific requirements and characteristics of Armani Beige Marble to ensure its suitability for the intended landscaping project.
Is Turkey's Armani Beige Marble an expensive stone?
I dont have real-time access to current market prices of stones. However, Armani Beige Marble, like most natural stones, is considered a luxury and high-end material, so it could be relatively expensive compared to other options. The price also depends on the quality, quantity, and availability of the stone.
Can Turkey's Armani Beige Marble be used exterior applications in very rainy climates?
Turkeys Armani Beige Marble is typically suitable for exterior applications, including in rainy climates. However, it is crucial to note that the marbles performance depends on various factors such as its quality, finish, and installation techniques. Armani Beige Marble is a natural stone known for its durability and resistance to moisture. It can withstand rain and other environmental factors better than some other marbles. However, it is always recommended to choose a higher grade or select specific finishes (e.g. honed or sandblasted) that can enhance its resistance to water absorption. Proper installation techniques, such as using a suitable waterproofing membrane, adequate slope for drainage, and correct sealing of all joints, are vital to ensuring the marbles long-term performance in exterior applications. Additionally, regular maintenance and cleaning can further help to preserve its appearance and functionality in wet climates. It is advisable to consult with a local stone supplier or professional installer who has experience with exterior applications in rainy climates to obtain the most accurate information and guidance specific to your project.
How thick is Turkey's Armani Beige Marble slabs?
I do not have access to the current thickness of the Armani Beige Marble slabs from Turkey. It is recommended to contact a local supplier or manufacturer for this information.
Can Turkey's Armani Beige Marble be used in a office?
Yes, Turkeys Armani Beige Marble can be used in an office. Marble is a popular choice for office spaces as it adds a touch of elegance and sophistication. Armani Beige Marble, in particular, is a neutral and versatile option suitable for various office styles and designs. It can be used for flooring, walls, countertops, and other surfaces to create a luxurious and professional environment.
What grade is Turkey's Armani Beige Marble?
I dont have any information on the grade of Turkeys Armani Beige Marble as it may vary depending on the specific quarry and the company selling the product. It is best to check with the supplier or manufacturer for specific grading information.