Erinstone Blue Limestone

Blue - Limestone

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Item Details

Quarry Location: Holdensrath, Tullaroan Rd, Kilkenny County

Water Absorption: 0.62 By Volume %

Density: 2688 kg/m3

Flexural Strength: 10.9 MPa

Compressive Strength: 127.6 MPa

Recommended Usage: building stone, countertops, sinks, monuments, pool coping, sills, ornamental stone, interior, exterior

Finishing Surface: Polished, Flamed, Bush Hammered, Tumbled, Brushed, Honed, Split, Machine Cut, Natural Surface, Sandblasted, Acid Washing, Combed, Leathered, Water Jet, Filled, Chiseled, Pickling

Additional Names: Blue Irish Limestone, Irish Blue Stone, Irish Limestone, Blue Shell Limestone, Kilkenny Blue Irish Limestone, Kilkenny Limestone, Kilkenny-Marmor, Kilkenny Gray Limestone, Carlow Limestone, Irish Blue Limestone, Erinstone Limestone, Erinstone, Erinstone Blue Limestone

Erinstone Blue Limestone is a type of natural stone that is quarried in Ireland. It is known for its distinctive blue-grey coloration and its natural, textured surface. The stone is made up of a combination of calcium carbonate and fossil fragments, which give it its unique appearance. Erinstone Blue Limestone can vary in color and texture depending on the specific quarry it is sourced from, as well as the specific cut and finish applied to the stone. However, generally speaking, the stone has a consistent blue-grey color that ranges from light to dark, with occasional hints of beige or brown. In terms of texture, Erinstone Blue Limestone has a naturally rough, slightly uneven surface that adds depth and character to any design. This texture can be honed or polished to a smoother finish, or left in its natural state for a more rustic look. Overall, Erinstone Blue Limestone is a versatile and attractive natural stone that can be used in a wide range of architectural and decorative applications. This bluish grey stone is especially good for building stone, countertops, sinks, monuments, pool coping, sills, ornamental stone, interior, exterior and other design projects. It also called Erinstone Blue Limestone, Blue Irish Limestone, Irish Blue Stone, Irish Limestone, Blue Shell Limestone, Kilkenny Blue Irish Limestone, Kilkenny Limestone,Kilkenny-Marmor, Kilkenny Gray Limestone, Carlow Limestone, Irish Blue Limestone, Erinstone Limestone, Erinstone. Erinstone Blue Limestone can be processed into Polished,Flamed,Bush Hammered,Tumbled,Brushed,Honed,Split,Machine Cut,Natural Surface,Sandblasted,Acid Washing,Combed,Leathered,Water Jet,Filled,Chiseled,Pickling and so on.
What grade is Ireland's Erinstone Blue Limestone?
I do not have access to the specific grading system of Irelands Erinstone Blue Limestone. However, limestone is graded based on its density, strength, and porosity. Blue limestone from Ireland is known for its durability and quality, making it a popular choice for construction and landscaping projects.
Can Ireland's Erinstone Blue Limestone be used in landscaping?
Yes, Irelands Erinstone Blue Limestone can be used in landscaping. It is a popular choice for both residential and commercial landscaping projects. The unique blue-grey color of the stone adds a distinctive and elegant touch to outdoor spaces. It can be used for various landscaping features such as pathways, patios, retaining walls, garden borders, and even decorative boulders. Additionally, Erinstone Blue Limestone is known for its durability and resistance to weathering, making it a long-lasting choice for landscaping projects.
What is the coefficient of friction of Filled Ireland's Erinstone Blue Limestone tiles?
The coefficient of friction of Filled Irelands Erinstone Blue Limestone tiles is not provided in the question. Additionally, the coefficient of friction can vary depending on various factors such as the surface finish, texture, and conditions of the tiles. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer or supplier of the tiles for the specific coefficient of friction information.
Can Ireland's Erinstone Limestone be used exterior applications in very sunny climates?
Yes, Erinstone Limestone can be used for exterior applications in sunny climates. Limestone is a durable and weather-resistant material that can withstand exposure to sunlight, heat, and other environmental factors. However, it is important to ensure that the proper installation and maintenance procedures are followed to ensure the longevity and performance of the material. It is recommended to consult with a professional architect or contractor to determine the best application and maintenance practices for Erinstone Limestone in a specific climate.
Are there color variations of Ireland's Erinstone Blue Limestone?
Yes, there are color variations of Irelands Erinstone Blue Limestone. While the predominant color is a blue-gray shade, Erinstone Blue Limestone can also exhibit variations ranging from light gray to dark blue, with occasional hints of green or brown. These variations occur due to natural mineral deposits and other environmental factors throughout the formation of the stone.
Can Ireland's Erinstone Limestone be used outdoors?
Yes, Irelands Erinstone Limestone can be used outdoors. Limestone is a durable natural stone that can withstand various weather conditions and is often used in outdoor applications such as paving, landscaping, and building facades. Erinstone Limestone, specifically, is known for its resistance to frost and its ability to maintain its color and appearance over time, making it suitable for outdoor use. However, it is always advisable to consult with a professional or supplier for specific recommendations on the suitability and maintenance of Erinstone Limestone in your particular outdoor project.
How thick is Ireland's Erinstone Blue Limestone slabs?
I cannot browse or access to the latest information. However, it is advisable to contact the manufacturer or supplier of the Erinstone Blue Limestone slabs to obtain accurate and detailed information about their products, including thickness options.
Can Ireland's Erinstone Limestone be used in a dining room?
Yes, Irelands Erinstone Limestone can be used in a dining room. Limestone is a popular natural stone choice for flooring, including dining rooms, due to its durability and heat resistance. The elegant and timeless look of Erinstone Limestone can enhance the overall aesthetic of a dining room and create a warm and inviting atmosphere. However, it is important to properly seal and maintain the limestone to protect it from potential stains and damage.
Is Ireland's Erinstone Blue Limestone an expensive stone?
I do not have access to the current pricing information of Erinstone Blue Limestone. However, the cost of natural stone can vary depending on factors such as availability, quality, size, and finish. Its best to contact a supplier or manufacturer for current pricing information.
What is the average hardness of Ireland's Erinstone Blue Limestone?
The average hardness of Irelands Erinstone Blue Limestone is typically around 3 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.