Fangshan Green Marble

Green - Marble

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Item Details

Water Absorption: 0.35 %

Density: 2830 Kg/m3

Flexural Strength: 9 MPa

Compressive Strength: 133.3 MPa

Recommended Usage: Construction stone, ornamental stone

Additional Names: Fangshan Brick Dregs Marble, Fangshan Green Marble

Fangshan Green Marble is green and from China. It can be used in many areas for construction stone, ornamental stone. Additional names of Fangshan Green Marble include: Fangshan Brick Dregs Marble.
Can China's Fangshan Green Marble be used outdoors?
Yes, Fangshan Green Marble can be used outdoors as it is a natural stone that is durable and resistant to weathering and outdoor conditions. It is commonly used for outdoor flooring, walls, and other landscaping applications. However, it is important to ensure that the stone is properly sealed and maintained to avoid color fading and damage over time.
What grade is China's Fangshan Green Marble?
I dont have information on the grading system for Chinas Fangshan Green Marble. However, as per industry standards, marble is graded based on its quality, color, veining, and durability. The grades typically range from A to D, with A grade being the highest quality and D grade being the lowest.
Are there color variations of China's Fangshan Green Marble?
Yes, there are color variations of Chinas Fangshan Green Marble. The base color of Fangshan Green Marble is typically a dark green or medium green shade, but there can be variations in terms of the brightness, intensity, and undertones of the green color. Some slabs may have darker veins or patterns running through them, while others may have lighter shades of green with minimal veining. Additionally, certain variations may have a touch of blue or gray undertones. These color variations are mainly due to the natural characteristics and mineral compositions of the marble, making each slab unique.
Can China's Fangshan Green Marble be used exterior applications in hot climates?
Chinas Fangshan Green Marble is a type of marble that is primarily used for interior applications due to its composition and susceptibility to weathering. While it can withstand moderate climatic conditions, it may not be suitable for prolonged exposure to hot climates. Marble is a natural stone that is formed by the recrystallization of limestone under high pressure and temperature. It is generally not as heat resistant as other materials like granite or quartzite. In hot climates, where temperatures regularly exceed 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and high heat can lead to fading, discoloration, and even structural damage like cracking or warping. Furthermore, marble is prone to etching and staining when exposed to certain chemicals and acidic substances. Hot climates often have more intense UV radiation and increased air pollution levels, both of which can accelerate the process of weathering and deterioration of marble. If you intend to use Fangshan Green Marble for exterior applications in hot climates, it is recommended to consult with a professional stone supplier or an architect with expertise in natural stone to evaluate the specific conditions and make informed decisions. They can advise on suitable alternatives or provide guidance on proper maintenance and sealing techniques to potentially extend the marbles durability.
Can China's Fangshan Green Marble be used in landscaping?
Yes, Chinas Fangshan Green Marble can be used in landscaping projects. The green marble is a beautiful and durable natural stone that can be used for a variety of outdoor applications, including landscaping. It can be used for pathways, patios, garden borders, accent walls, and other decorative elements in outdoor spaces. Its unique green color and natural veining patterns can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any landscape design. Additionally, being a natural stone, it is known for its strength and longevity, making it suitable for outdoor environments.
How thick is China's Fangshan Green Marble slabs?
I cannot find any specific information about the thickness of Fangshan Green Marble slabs. However, like any other marble slabs, they can come in various thicknesses ranging from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. It ultimately depends on the clients preference and the intended use of the slab.
Is China's Fangshan Green Marble an expensive stone?
I do not have access to current market prices. However, Fangshan Green Marble is generally considered to be a high-end or luxury stone, so it can be quite expensive. The specific price will depend on factors such as the quality of the stone, the size and thickness of the slabs, and the location of the vendor.
Can China's Fangshan Green Marble be used in a kitchen?
Yes, Chinas Fangshan Green Marble can be used in a kitchen. Marble is a popular choice for kitchen countertops and backsplashes due to its durability, elegance, and heat resistance. However, it is important to note that marble is a natural stone and can be porous, making it susceptible to staining and etching from acidic materials. Proper sealing and regular maintenance can help prevent these issues and keep the marble looking its best in a kitchen setting.
What is the coefficient of friction of Water Jet Cut China's Fangshan Green Marble tiles?
The coefficient of friction for Water Jet Cut Chinas Fangshan Green Marble tiles may vary depending on various factors such as the finish of the tile surface, the presence of sealants or coatings, and the surface texture. It is best to consult the manufacturer or supplier of the tiles for the specific coefficient of friction information. They may have tested the tiles and can provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on this matter.
What is the average density of China's Fangshan Green Marble?
The average density of Chinas Fangshan Green Marble is approximately 2.6 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).