Lumix Marble

White - Marble

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Item Details

Water Absorption: 0.076 %

Density: 2648 Kg/m3

Flexural Strength: 13.6 MPa

Compressive Strength: 74.0 MPa

Recommended Usage: Kitchen and bathroom countertops, monuments, building stone, ornamental stone, stairs, interior, exterior wall and floor applications, mosaic, waterjet pattern, wall panels, table tops, window sills, balustrades, columns, wall and pool copings, pool pavers, sculptures, fireplaces

Finishing Surface: Polished, Bush Hammered, Tumbled, Brushed, Honed, Split, Machine Cut, Natural Surface, Sandblasted, Combed, Leathered, Water Jet, Filled, Chiseled, Pickling

Additional Names: Lumix Blue Marble, Crystal Lumix Marble, Lumix Quartzite, Opal Essence Marble, Lumix White Marble, Cristal Luminato Marble, Crystal Luminato Marble, Lumix WOW Marble, Lumix A Marble, Crystal White Marble, Crystallino Marble, Lumix Marble


Lumix Marble is a stunning natural stone primarily composed of quartz, giving it a durable and elegant quality. It features golden brown elements that add warmth and character to its appearance. Additionally, Lumix Marble boasts opal white backlit features, enhancing its visual allure when illuminated from behind. Quarried in Brazil, this marble exemplifies the country's rich geological diversity and exceptional craftsmanship. Lumix Marble's unique combination of colors and textures makes it a versatile choice for a variety of architectural and design applications. Whether used for countertops, wall cladding, flooring, or decorative accents, Lumix Marble adds a touch of sophistication and luxury to any space, elevating its aesthetic appeal with its radiant beauty and timeless charm.

Can Brazil's Lumix Marble be used in a office?
Yes, Brazils Lumix Marble can certainly be used in an office. Lumix Marble is a type of exotic Brazilian marble known for its unique veining and vibrant color variations. It is commonly used in interior design, including office spaces, to add an elegant and luxurious touch. Whether it is used for flooring, countertops, accent walls, or other applications, Lumix Marble can enhance the aesthetics and create a sophisticated atmosphere in an office environment.
What grade is Brazil's Lumix Marble?
I dont have the exact information of what grade is Brazils Lumix Marble. However, in general, Lumix Marble is known to have a higher grade due to its quality, durability, and luxurious appearance. The grade of marble can vary depending on factors such as color, veining, and overall appearance.
Can Brazil's Lumix Marble be used in floor coverings?
Yes, Brazils Lumix Marble can be used in floor coverings. Marble is a durable and versatile natural stone that is commonly used for floor tiles and coverings. Lumix Marble, specifically quarried in Brazil, can be polished or honed to achieve different finishes and can be used to create beautiful and unique flooring designs.
Is Brazil's Lumix Marble an expensive stone?
I do not have access to current market prices, but Lumix Marble is generally considered a high-end stone and can be relatively expensive compared to other types of marble. Its price can also vary depending on factors such as the quality, availability, and the place of purchase.
Can Brazil's Lumix Marble be used outdoors?
I do not have access to the specific properties of Brazilian Lumix Marble. However, as a general rule, marbles are natural stones that are mainly used for interior applications due to their smooth finish and low resistance to weather and abrasion. While some varieties of marble can be treated to enhance their durability and weather resistance for outdoor use, it is important to consult with a professional about the suitability of a particular marble for outdoor applications. Factors such as climate, exposure to sunlight, and location can also affect the performance and longevity of the marble.
Are there color variations of Brazil's Lumix Marble?
I dont have access to exhaustive information about Brazils Lumix Marble. However, based on my research, Lumix Marble can come in different colors such as white, beige, gray, yellow, and even pink hues.
How thick is Brazil's Lumix Marble slabs?
I do not have access to current information or s. However, Lumix Marble slabs typically vary in thickness from 2.0 to 3.0 centimeters.
What is the coefficient of friction of Filled Brazil's Lumix Marble tiles?
The coefficient of friction of Filled Brazils Lumix Marble tiles cannot be determined without specific information about the type of filling material used and the surface finish of the tiles. The coefficient of friction is a property that varies depending on the specific conditions and surfaces involved.
Can Brazil's Lumix Marble be used exterior applications in very rainy climates?
Yes, Lumix Marble from Brazil can be used for exterior applications in very rainy climates. Lumix Marble is a type of quartzite, a natural stone that is known for its durability and resistance to water absorption. It is suitable for use in various exterior applications such as outdoor flooring, cladding, and countertops. However, it is important to ensure proper sealing and maintenance to enhance its performance and protect it from any potential damage caused by prolonged exposure to water and moisture.