North Light Marble

White - Marble

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Item Details

Water Absorption: by weight 0.29 %

Density: 2700 kg/m³

Flexural Strength: 10.3 MPa

Compressive Strength: 170.0 MPa

Recommended Usage: Building stone, sinks, monuments, pool coping, sills, ornamental stone, interior, exterior, wall, floor , paving

Finishing Surface: Polished, Sawn Cut, Sanded, Rockfaced, Sandblasted, Tumbled

Additional Names: Northern Light Marble, North Light Marble

MOISTURE ABSORPTION (by weight) : 0,29 %
Is Canada's North Light Marble an expensive stone?
I dont have access to current market prices to determine the exact cost of a Canadas North Light Marble. It would depend on various factors such as the size, quality, and location of purchase. However, marble is generally considered to be a luxurious and expensive stone in the construction industry.
Can Canada's North Light Marble be used in a bathroom?
Yes, Canadas North Light Marble can be used in a bathroom. Marble is a popular choice for bathroom countertops, floors, and other applications due to its natural beauty and durability. However, it is worth noting that marble is a natural stone and can be more porous and susceptible to staining and etching compared to some other materials. Therefore, proper sealing and regular maintenance are essential to ensure its longevity and appearance.
Can Canada's North Light Marble be used in landscaping?
Yes, Canadas North Light Marble can be used in landscaping. It is a type of marble that is known for its light grey color and elegant veining patterns. It is often used for various landscaping applications such as paving, walkways, patios, garden borders, or accent pieces in outdoor spaces. The natural beauty and durability of the marble make it suitable for adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to any landscape design.
What grade is Canada's North Light Marble?
Canadas North Light Marble is typically classified as a grade A marble.
Are there color variations of Canada's North Light Marble?
Yes, there are color variations of Canadas North Light Marble. The marble typically features a light grey or white background with subtle veining and hues of blue, green, or grey. However, the specific color variations can vary depending on the specific source and conditions of the stone. Some variations may have more pronounced veining or different color accents, but the overall aesthetic of the North Light Marble tends to be light and neutral.
Can Canada's North Light Marble be used outdoors?
Yes, Canadas North Light Marble can be used outdoors. It is a durable and versatile stone that can withstand various weather conditions and is often used for outdoor applications such as patios, walkways, and pool decks. However, it is always recommended to seal the marble and periodically reseal it to protect it from staining and weathering.
How thick is Canada's North Light Marble slabs?
There is no standard thickness for Canadas North Light Marble slabs as it can vary. However, typical thicknesses for marble slabs range from 2 centimeters (3/4 inch) to 3 centimeters (1 1/4 inch).
Can Canada's North Light Marble be used exterior applications in hot climates?
Canadas North Light Marble can be used in exterior applications in hot climates, but it is important to note that marble is a natural stone and can be susceptible to thermal expansion and contraction. In hot climates with extreme temperature variations, there is a risk of the stone cracking or developing other forms of damage. To minimize potential problems, it is advisable to consider the following: 1. Choose the right type of marble: Some types of marble are more resistant to heat and thermal variations than others. It is essential to select a marble variety that has proven to be durable and stable in similar climatic conditions. 2. Proper installation: Ensure that the marble is installed correctly, including proper sealing and a solid substrate. A professional stone installer should be consulted to ensure proper installation methods for hot climates. 3. Adequate maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to protect the marble from the effects of the weather. This includes regular sealing and avoiding the use of harsh chemicals that could damage the stone. 4. Shading and protection: Providing shade or using awnings and umbrellas can help protect the marble from direct sunlight exposure during the hottest times of the day. Additionally, avoiding exposure to excessive heat sources like grills or fire pits can also help prevent damage. Overall, while it is possible to use Canadas North Light Marble in hot climates for exterior applications, it is essential to consider the potential risks and take appropriate precautions to ensure its longevity and durability.
What is the average hardness of Canada's North Light Marble?
The average hardness of Canadas North Light Marble is around 3 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
What is the coefficient of friction of Chiseled Canada's North Light Marble tiles?
The coefficient of friction of Chiseled Canadas North Light Marble tiles can vary depending on the specific product and finish. It is best to consult with the manufacturer or supplier of the tiles to obtain the specific coefficient of friction for their product.