Four Seasons Granite Slabs & Tiles


Stone Name:four seasons granite(See material detail)

Multicolor - Granite


Supplier Detail
Established: Dec 31,2000
Brazil Brazil
Main Product:

ouro brasil, four seasons, eucaliptus green, caju

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Ms.Patricia Carvalho
Tel: +55-27 3246-8400
Adr: Av Vale do Rio Doce s/n Patio CVRD Cariacica ES
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Product Description
Specialized in the production of granite plates for finishing (internal and external overlay, wash-basins, counters and other pieces of furniture), Marmocil was founded in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, in 1968, having as its main focus the domestic market. In 2001, aiming at expanding its action towards the foreign market in a more strategic way, the company installed a new, modern industrial plant in the county of Cariacica, in the Metropolitan Region of Vitória, Espírito Santo.
In only two years time, Marmocil reached important markets such as the United States, Europe, Latin America, the Arab Emirates, and China, among others.
We also produce results Such results were reached thanks to product quality, operational excellence, the latest technology, and guarantee of stock renewal, since 70% of the products are originated from the Granasa Group own stone-quarries, to which Marmocil belongs.
Installed in an area of 62 thousand square meters, the industrial unit houses three production sheds, where the cutting of blocks, the polishing, the resin application, and the stocking of materials happen. Marmocils commitment is to offer first line products and to surprise its clients with quickness, the strict fulfillment of terms, scale production, and prompt delivery.
The company grows, the values are kept
Social Responsibility, the employees safety and satisfaction, environment preservation. Such are Marmocils values, a company that invests with priority on the well-being of its employees and on the relationship with the communities around it.
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