Moca Creme - Moca Cream Limestone


Stone Name:


Supplier Detail
Granitos e Marmores Marujo, Lda.
Portugal Portugal
Main Product:

alpinina limestone, amarelo negrais, yellow negrais limestone, valongo slate, azul moleanos, blue moleanos limestone

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Granitos e Marmores Marujo, Lda.
Tel: 271 451 002, 967 053 523
Adr: 6400-212 Freixedas, Guarda, Portugal
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Product Description
We have machines where an operator to work to execute the cuts.
There are also specific machines to work on columns.
Have machines to make and cut out columns.
Based on defined models, the stone block is attached longitudinally and a "hand" cuts and defines the borders that the column will have.
We get any kind of columns.
Granitos e Mármores Marujo, Lda.
6400-212 Freixedas, Guarda, Portugal
Telf. 271 451 002
Fax. 271 456 102
Telm. 967 053 523
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