Ivory Brown Granite is a beautiful product variety that has milk ivory movement with pink wavy streaks over the base color. This product has been used with a number of designs to create amazing effects for different projects. This south Indian granite is available on demand; orders have to be placed in advance to avoid delays.
Product Quality:
Premium: The premium product variety has good wave formation diagonally which makes it an attractive variety for different projects with different needs. This product can be delivered with various finishes depending on the situation.
Medium: The medium strata product variety has wave movement is uneven. There are small band over the base color which makes it very attractive.
Quarry area: Tamil Nadu, South India
Number of Quarries: 2
There are two quarries that support the supply of this product which indicates that most projects can be easily completed, but there will be times when orders will have to be placed before the product may be needed for construction to avoid any kind of delays.
Product: slabs, tiles and monuments
We are here to serves natural stone importers, and big construction projects that prefer to get their supply from the source itself. If you are an importer looking for high quality at competitive pricing then we are the partners for you.