Amfibolit Granatoviy Nigrozero Granite Russia
"Karelian Gabbro-Diabase" LTD offers all kinds of products from different types of granite for the decoration.
Mining and processing of natural stone. Wholesale of products made of Karelian granite (Russia).
Products: granite blocks, slabs, sawing, standard and figured monuments, tile, paving stone, crushed stone and various building and decorative materials.
Deposits of granite: Drugoretskoe (Gabbro-Diabaz), Dymovskoe, Baltiyskoye (brown granosyenite), Vozrozhdeniye (gray granite), Nigrozero "Garnet amphibolite", Sopka Buntina "green pyroxenite", Ala-noskua, Elizovskoye.