Rentina Green Marble

Green - Marble

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Item Details

Quarry Location: Rentina, Kavala, Thessaloniki, East Makedonia

Water Absorption: 0.3 By Volume %

Density: 2700 kg/m3

Compressive Strength: 80 - 120 MPa

Recommended Usage: Ornamental stone, interior, exterior, wall, floor application, stairs, mosaic, countertops

Finishing Surface: Polished, Sawn Cut, Sanded, Rockfaced, Sandblasted, Tumbled

Additional Names: Cipollino Marble, Redina Green Marble, Kavala Green Marble, Rentina Green Marble

Rentina Green Marble is a kind of pale green marble quarried in Greece. This stone is especially good for Ornamental stone, interior, exterior, wall, floor application, stairs, mosaic, countertops and other design projects. It also called Cipollino Marble,Redina Green Marble, Kavala Green Marble . Rentina Green Marble can be processed into Polished, Sawn Cut, Sanded, Rockfaced, Sandblasted, Tumbled and so on.
What grade is Greece's Rentina Green Marble?
I dont have any information on a grading system for Rentina Green Marble. However, in general, marble is graded based on its overall quality, clarity, and the extent of imperfections, such as cracks or discoloration. It is possible that Rentina Green Marble has its own grading system, but without more specific information, its impossible to say what grade it may receive.
What is the coefficient of friction of Pickled Greece's Rentina Green Marble tiles?
I do not have access to current or specific information such as the coefficient of friction of a specific type of marble tile. Please refer to the manufacturer or supplier for this information.
Can Greece's Rentina Green Marble be used in a kitchen?
Yes, Greeces Rentina Green Marble can be used in a kitchen. Marble is a popular choice for kitchen countertops and backsplashes due to its durability, heat resistance, and natural beauty. However, it is important to keep in mind that marble is a porous material and requires regular maintenance and sealing to protect it from stains and etching caused by acidic substances. Additionally, marble is softer than other natural stones like granite, so it is more prone to scratching and chipping.
Can Greece's Rentina Green Marble be used exterior applications in hot climates?
Yes, Greeces Rentina Green Marble can be used for exterior applications in hot climates. The marble is known for its durability and resistance to weathering and is suitable for use in various exterior applications, including facades, paving, and columns. However, it is always recommended to consult with a marble expert or supplier to ensure the specific type of Rentina Green Marble being used is suitable for the intended exterior application and climate conditions.
Can Greece's Rentina Green Marble be used in landscaping?
Yes, Greeces Rentina Green Marble can be used in landscaping. Green marbles are often used in landscaping projects for pathways, patios, garden borders, and other outdoor structures. The natural green color of the marble adds a unique and luxurious aesthetic to the landscape design. Additionally, marble is known for its durability and resistance to weathering, which makes it a suitable choice for outdoor applications.
How thick is Greece's Rentina Green Marble slabs?
I do not have access to current inventory levels of Rentina Green Marble. However, standard thicknesses for marble slabs can range from 2cm to 3cm, so it is likely that Rentina Green Marble slabs fall within this range. It is recommended to check with the supplier or manufacturer for specific measurements.
Is Greece's Rentina Green Marble an expensive stone?
I do not have access to current pricing information. However, Rentina Green Marble is considered a high-quality and unique marble, which may contribute to its higher price on the market. Other factors that may affect its cost may include availability, quarry location, and processing and transportation expenses.
Are there color variations of Greece's Rentina Green Marble?
I do not have access to the latest s on marble types. However, traditionally, Rentina Green Marble is a unique and homogeneous marble with a greenish background and striking white veins that run through it. It is possible that various colors and shades of Rentina Green Marble may exist due to natural variations in the formation of the marble. It is best to consult with a marble supplier or expert to confirm any new information on Rentina Green Marble.
Can Greece's Rentina Green Marble be used outdoors?
Yes, Greeces Rentina Green Marble can be used outdoors. Marble is known for its durability and resistance to different weather conditions, making it a popular choice for outdoor applications such as landscaping, paving, and cladding. However, it is important to note that marble is a natural stone and may be prone to weathering and staining over time. Regular maintenance and sealing may be required to preserve its appearance and ensure longevity when used outdoors.